How To Play Tennis With A Blister On Your Hand

Tennis is a very involved sport, and it can be very hard on the body. The hands of tennis players are among the parts of the players’ bodies that take the most damage while playing, especially when blisters are formed. Blisters on the hands can be very painful and hinder tennis playing performance. How can you continue to play tennis well while having blisters on your hands?

To play tennis with hand blisters, be sure to use padded bandages and tape to protect them. Alter your grip technique to reduce pressure on the blisters, and wear gloves if necessary. Prevent hand blisters by wearing sweatbands on your wrists, drying off regularly, and using a good overgrip.

There are several ways to deal with blisters, and every tennis player has their own methods. Developing hand blisters is, unfortunately, part of the sport, and every player must manage hand blisters at some point. Let’s explore some ways to continue playing if you have hand blisters and how to prevent them in the future.

How To Play Tennis With Blisters On Your Hands

Playing tennis with hand blisters can be painful and frustrating. Blisters on the hands can severely limit hand movement, mobility, and overall playing performance.

Blisters are a common occurrence for tennis players of all skill levels, and they are caused by various factors. Blisters form when the skin experiences friction, which can come in many forms while playing tennis.

Learning how to deal with hand blisters is part of the sport, and every player must learn their own ways to tackle the issue, but there are some good options for dealing with hand blisters that can help you to heal more quickly and continue playing despite the blisters.

Let’s explore some of these options to help you deal with hand blisters more effectively.

Bandage The Blister

The best way to handle a blister and keep playing is to wrap or cover the blister with a padded bandage and tape. Using a padded bandage will help to protect the blister and reduce pain and friction, and using tape will keep the bandage on while you use your hands.

This method will allow you to keep playing and reduces the effect of the blister on your performance.

The only downside here is that the bandage and tape can feel distracting and cumbersome, and they can reduce flexibility and mobility in the hand.

Use the right type of bandage based on the size of the blister and where it is on the hand, and you will have better results.

Adjust your Grip

If the blister that has formed on your hand is a result of a specific grip style, then a good way to continue playing is to adjust your grip to take the pressure off that part of your hand.

This may feel strange at first, and it may feel more difficult to play with a different grip, but it will teach you to use grip variants and help you to keep playing during times of hand pain.

Learning to play well with various grips is important for all players. Learning grip variants while you have a blister is the best time to learn.

Wear Gloves

An obvious way to help your hands when you have blisters from playing tennis is to use gloves. Blisters form and are made worse by friction and pressure. Wearing a set of tennis gloves can significantly reduce the pressure on the blister and completely removes friction.

Playing with gloves may not be very comfortable, but it will allow you to continue to play tennis without adjusting your grip or your playing style while your blisters heal.

Reduced feel and mobility are worthwhile to ensure that your blisters heal quickly and completely without causing any residual damage or discomfort.

Change Your Handle Overgrip

Most players get blisters on their hands when using an old or worn-out handle overgrip. A tennis racquet overgrip that has been worn out will be smooth and non-absorbent, which increases the friction experienced by the hand, which in turn increases the chance of developing blisters.

Changing your overgrip can reduce the chance of blisters, but it will also reduce the pain and discomfort that comes with hand blisters, enabling you to keep playing for longer, despite the blisters.

How to Prevent Blisters From Playing Tennis

Playing tennis with blisters can sometimes feel impossible. These blisters are painful, discouraging, and frustrating. There are several ways to prevent these irritating blisters from forming in the first place.

Let’s explore some of the best ways to reduce the risk of blisters while playing tennis, regardless of your skill level or your playing style.

Wear Wrist Sweatbands

Sweat on your hands greatly increases the chances of getting blisters while playing tennis. Sweat reduces grip, which increases friction on the racquet grip.

If you have very sweaty hands or if sweat runs down your arm onto your hand, you are significantly more likely to develop hand blisters.

For this crucial reason, it is important to wear wrist sweatbands. Using sweatbands like this prevents sweat from dripping onto the hands, which significantly reduces the risk of blisters while playing.

Use A Good Overgrip

Using a cheap overgrip that does not provide enough grip or an overgrip that is too smooth and not absorbent is a quick way to get blisters, as they do not prevent friction.

Change the overgrip of your preferred racquet to the best that you can find, and replace it regularly. The overgrip should provide a good grip and adequate absorption to prevent blisters.

Change your overgrip after every sweaty match to reduce the risk of blisters.

Dry Your Hands

We have established that sweaty hands develop blisters, which means that another effective method for reducing blisters is to dry your hands well as often as you can.

Keep a sweat towel close by and dry your hands, arms, and racquet as often as you can to increase grip and reduce friction. This will significantly reduce the number of blisters you get while playing.


You can play tennis with hand blisters, even though they can be painful. Playing tennis with hand blisters will not cause any long-term damage as long as you keep the blisters clean and free of infection. Take the necessary steps to prevent blisters as much as you can, and if you do get blisters, be sure to take care of them as well as you can.


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